NASA Complex Fluids and Macromolecular Biophysics NRAの発出

NASAからLight Microscopy Module (LMM)の利用を想定した、Complex Fluids and Macromolecular Biophysics分野の公募が発出されました。米国研究者との 共同提案を通じて海外研究者の利用も可能となっています。詳しくは以下をご参照ください。


We released the NASA Research Announcement, “Research Opportunities in Complex Fluids and Macromolecular Biophysics,” (NNH13ZTT001N) on December 21, 2012. Selected researchers will use the Light Microscopy Module (LMM) to participate in the Advanced Colloids Experiment or to conduct macromolecular crystal growth experiments. The LMM is an insert on the Fluids Integrated Rack. Six selections are planned. The research grants will be funded for five years. International co-investigator collaboration is welcomed. To submit a proposal, international investigators must be part of a US led science team. Step one proposals are due February 6, 2012. Step two (final) proposals are due April 10, 2012. Step one proposals will be evaluated for compliance to the NRA
solicitation. Only investigator teams of selected Step one proposals will be invited to submit Step two proposals.

Please go to the link
to find the solicitation. You will also find other open NASA solicitations at this site.

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